PEdSIG invites all healthcare students (nurses, medical, physios and beyond) to enter our essay competition!

How can healthcare education effectively prepare healthcare professionals to recognise, address and mitigate health inequalities within diverse patient populations?

Each submission must be no more than 500 words and outline:
• How health inequalities impact patients
• Discuss some of the challenges that healthcare education faces when
attempting to reduce health inequalities
• Explain how healthcare education can enable healthcare professionals to
recognise, address and mitigate health inequalities that patients face.

References in your preferred style are required to support any theory included.
Any further questions please email in or message us on Twitter or Instagram.

Prize: Student ticket to the RCPCH annual conference and travel and accommodation
expenses up to £300!

Submissions due by 23:59pm on 16/01/25. Please send your submissions to
[email protected]

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