PEdSIG and DFTB Skin Deep are joining forces to help improve the recognition and management of dermatological conditions in a diverse range of skin types.
For more information on the DFTB Skin Deep project, visit their website.
We know that assessment drives learning, and this is especially true for health care professionals.
We are inviting health care professionals of every persuasion to author Single Best Answer (SBA) format questions on the topic of dermatology. These can be on common or rare conditions. The team are also keen for questions about conditions which may present with visual clinical signs on examination e.g. finger clubbing, peri-orbital cellulitis etc. You don't need to worry about providing images, the awesome team at DFTB Skin Deep will match your question with an appropriate high quality image.
Submitted questions will be rigorously reviewed by assessment experts who serve on the final clinical review group of the Medical Schools Council Assessment Alliance. Following this process questions will be used either by DFTB Skin Deep as part of their learning resources and/or in institutional medical examinations.

Authors who submit 5 or more questions will be invited to attend one of three half day virtual question review events. These will take place on 26th and 27th November 2020. Each review session will be chaired by one of our assessment experts who will help guide the group through editing and refining questions to ensure they are of the highest quality. This is a exceptional opportunity to learn both clinical dermatology and skills in assessment writing.
Questions must fit into a standard SBA format with a stem of information, a lead in (the actual question bit), and five possible answers, with the correct answer highlighted. We ask that you also provide an explanation of the correct answer, along with references where appropriate. For more information on how to write a good SBA question see this 10 step guide on our website and the Medical Schools Council Assessment Alliance guidance.
10 Top Tips for writing a good SBA question
MSCAA Writing Questions For Undergraduate Exams
Places for our review events will be limited, so we ask that you register your interest by emailing [email protected] as soon as possible.
We look forward to working with you to improve education and understanding in this fascinating area of paediatric medicine.