Dr Shilpa Shah FRCPCH, MD, MBBS - Paediatric consultant with interest in diabetes, College tutor
I have been a paediatric consultant for the last 11 years in Craigavon Hospital and am co lead consultant in the children and Young peoples diabetes service in Southern Trust Northern Ireland.
I am RCPCH College tutor for my hospital and organise and align education sessions in line with the RCPCH curriculum. I am the simulation and education lead within my department and RCPCH Northern Ireland E-portfolio champion. I am a clinical and educational supervisor for paediatric trainees.
I assist in ST1-3 shortlisting and recruitment and participate in the Northern Ireland Deanery ARCP panel.
I am an examiner for the MRCPCH clinical exam, DCH exam and an assessor for START I am a clinical facilitator for the Northern Ireland Deanery and offer “ recognised trainer” courses I am involved in diabetes research as a Primary Investigator for the ELSA study I am a Schwartz facilitator for the southern trust Northern Ireland.
Please get in touch at [email protected] to be connected to Dr Shah.